Why Affirmations?

About Me:

My mental health journey began in 2016 when I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. At that time, I was struggling with mental well-being and physically battling the highs and lows of manic depression.

Thankfully, my path to mental health took an unexpected turn when I discovered yoga through a fitness app. This discovery not only supported my mental health journey but also gave me a newfound appreciation for life. In 2019, I embarked on my journey to become a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT).

However, life took a dramatic turn due to a car accident, which left me with a pinched nerve and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to driving. It was during this challenging time that I found my greatest source of motivation: affirmations. These affirmations, centered around strength and confidence, lifted me up and continue to do so as I navigate the impact of this event on my personal life.

But the story doesn't end there. My journey has evolved into something greater. I now reach millions of people worldwide through "I AM" Affirmations for Mental Health Wellbeing. The international audience that tunes in shares their gratitude during every Q&A session of the episodes, and it fills my heart with joy to know that my journey has become a source of inspiration and support for others.

As you explore this blog, may your soul forever be blessed.


-Celi ❤️

Santa Barbara, CA

Venice Beach, CA

Malibu, CA

Unlock Your Potential with Mantras !

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